
How Physical Therapy Can Help Golfers with Back Pain

How Physical Therapy Can Help Golfers with Back Pain

How Physical Therapy Can Help Golfers with Back Pain

Are you noticing soreness or pain after you play golf? Does your back sore the day after you go to the driving range? Although golf is often considered a leisure sport, it requires a tremendous range of motion to swing the club effectively. Our physical therapist at Lamesa Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab understands golfing mechanics and how vital your hips and spine mobility is to swing a club pain-free.

The golf swing has been associated with an increased risk of back pain due to poor swing mechanics, inadequate spine (thoracic and lumbar) mobility, poor core stability, and a lack of motion and strength in the hips. Any limitation combined with the volume of swings needed to complete a round of golf often leads to overuse syndromes.

Fortunately, at Lamesa Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab in Texas, our therapists know how important a golfer’s swing mechanics are and how vital mobility and strength are for preventing injury and optimizing performance.

Request an appointment today, so we can help you resolve any old and new injuries and get you back golfing sooner rather than later!

What role do the hips and spine play in golf?

Golf is one of the most popular sports worldwide. Whether you are a recreational golfer or a highly competitive athlete, our Lamesa Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab therapists can help. We work with people of all ages and physical abilities to get on the course to enjoy nature, socialize with friends, and swing that club.

The physical requirements are surprisingly demanding, as golf requires coordination and timing of all body parts moving in sequence to achieve an ideal swing. It is more and more apparent that one of the most critical physical requirements for a smooth swing comes from the mobility of our hip joints.

Any limitation in hip and spine mobility will affect a golfer’s performance on the links. These limitations often cause faulty swing mechanics, which, when repeated, will lead to pain and/or injury.

During the swing motion, the front leg (lead hip) and the back leg (trail hip) work in concert while performing identical opposite movements. The torque created by this motion helps create angular velocity in the pelvis, which coordinates with the spine to achieve the whole-body rotation needed to swing the club.

The knee joint is also directly affected due to the enormous force generated at the hip being transmitted down the thigh bone (femur) into the knee. For some people, the thoracic spine (mid-back) lacks rotational mobility, which is vital to proper swing mechanics. If you lack rotational motion, the body has to make up for it in other areas. The lumbar spine or hip joints typically compensate for the limitations, resulting in pain or injury.

Hip mobility and strength directly influence the coordination of the lower body, pelvis, and spine. Therefore, any factor limiting rotation could cause pain in golfers and even lead to an injury that inhibits participation.

Our Texas physical therapists have extensive experience working with golfers of all abilities and physical capabilities. We will identify any restrictions and weaknesses and, more importantly, teach you how to resolve them so you can swing without fear of pain or injury!

What to expect at your Lamesa Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab sessions

Our therapists routinely work with golfers looking for help resolving an injury and looking to get an edge on the course. We will develop a plan to restore/improve your hip and spine mobility to optimize your performance and minimize your risk of pain/injury.

At Lamesa Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab in Texas, our physical therapists will start with a comprehensive evaluation and medical history. Next, we’ll perform a golf-specific movement screen to identify any limitations related to your pain/injury and golfing performance.

Our specialists will use these findings to help us develop interventions tailored to your specific limitations and help you correct faulty movement patterns. We incorporate targeted manual techniques to assist our progress and ensure you move and feel your best.

We will focus on pain relief techniques and improving lost motion so you can swing properly without limitations. Next, we will incorporate golf-specific strength training to address the weaknesses affecting your swing mechanics and to help prevent future injuries.

Our programs will include education about the exercises to ensure you understand the importance and benefits of continuing to work on your therapeutic program even after you return to the links!

Request an appointment today!

The hip and spine joints significantly affect how the rest of your body tolerates golfing. At Lamesa Physical Therapy & Sports Rehab in Texas, our physical therapists will identify all the factors causing pain/injury and give you the tools to resolve your issues once and for all!

Call today to schedule an appointment with our golf specialists!


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